sample constitution companies act 2016 malaysia
The objects for which the Company is established are. Web THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 MALAYSIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES CONSTITUTION of MAXIS BERHAD 1. The Malaysian Companies Act 2016 Web In this Constitution unless the subject matter or context dictates otherwise the following words and phrases shall have the meaning assigned to them herein - Act. . The name of the Company is JP. Web THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES CONSTITUITION OF PETRA ENERGY BHD. The name of the Company is AMMB HOLDINGS. Web THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 MALAYSIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES CONSTITUTION OF S P SETIA BERHAD 1. Web COMPANIES ACT 2016 IOI CORPORATION BERHAD and that the company is a public company and is a company limited by shares. Objects of the Company 4. Web the companies act 2016 malaysia public company limited by shares constitution of s p setia berhad 1. Web including Section 352 of the Co...